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Let's fix clinic day.

WellPrept is a simple tool to help you share information with your patients before you see them.

When patients arrive at your office knowing the basics, they're prepared to talk about the specifics of their case.
Which means you can stop reciting the same spiels over and over and spend clinic days in meaningful conversations. 
WellPrept allows you to be the doctor you're meant to be.

Join hundreds of doctors who use WellPrept.
"WellPrept immediately increased the quality of clinic visits for myself as well as my patients. My patients come into clinic already knowing the basics of their condition and treatment options so we can talk about important topics that are too often rushed, such as the personal impact of treatments and guidance on what treatment may be best for them."
Wellprept also answers questions patients forgot to ask or answers they forgot to write down, enabling us to have a true face-to-face conversation without the worry of missing something to write down.
I can't recommend this app highly enough!"
-Keith Kowalczyk, MD, Chair, Department of Urology at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital

Getting started is easy. We're here to help.

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